Three things I know about starting a running program:

So, you’d like to run but you don’t think you can and if you join a group, you feel like you won’t be fast enough or able to go the distance.  Here’s three things to keep in mind about your pursuit to be fit.

  1. Don’t measure yourself by someone else’s yardstick.   It’s your run, your pace, your distance.  Even in a group, don’t let someone push you to do what they are doing until your body says you are ready.  If you are having a hard time catching your breath, you are going too fast.  Even when you are running alone and you pass someone else running (or they pass you), keep your focus on your run.  It should require effort and a push toward improved endurance, but it should feel comfortable.

  2. Train with intervals.  Tiny intervals to begin with.  Don’t think about speed.  Think about running 15 seconds and walking 45 seconds.  Increase the time and decrease the walk weekly or even bi-weekly.   Check out to see how former Olympic runner, Jeff Galloway, has trained thousands of runners using this method.  There are local Galloway run/walk groups throughout America.  

  3. Wear the right attire.   Cotton is Rotten as they say.  Fabric should be moisture-wicking. You don’t have to have expensive Nike shirts.  Amazon and Walmart have great, inexpensive sports clothes available.  Shoes should be made for running.  Cushioning and stability are critical and even if you don’t purchase your shoes at a running store, go get fitted.  Fleet Feet, Tulsa Runner, and Runner’s World all analyze how you run to find the shoe that works for you.  

There are lots of tools and tips available online and at your local running stores or running clubs.  Just get out there and start.  You won’t regret how good it feels when the run is over!  Join my local run/walk group:  Moving Toward Wellness.  See you there!


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